Our Collection

The For Freedom Museum realistically depicts the gloomy times of the Second World War.
The unique collection was built around three modules:



Dioramas immerse you in regional history from 1940-1944 Each model tells a personal story. Many Canadian families donated uniforms of their loved ones to the museum. (Collection by Freddy Jones)

Monty's Men

A tribute to the Allied soldiers of the “21st Army Group” under the command of Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery.
In addition to an extensive collection of license plates, this exhibition includes a number of dioramas related to the liberation of the Zwin region.

Wings for Freedom

The theme of this exhibition is the battle in the air during WWII.
In collaboration with the Belgian Aviation History Association (Bahaat), an impressive exhibition has been built around, and with, excavated aircraft remains.


Go for an extra experience and make your museum experience even more intense with our audio tour. The audio guide not only provides expert explanations in four languages, but also real-life background sounds that make the scenes even more vivid.

From now on, you can also use your own headphones or earphones for this audio guide.

Option for those who are hard of hearing

Read the text on the screen.

Do you know

The Dutch text was recorded by the warm voice of the Flemish actor Lucas Van den Eynde.

Een begeleid bezoek

Wanneer u met een groep het museum bezoekt, kan u zich laten begeleiden door een gids. Deze interactieve begeleiding, geeft een extra dimensie aan uw bezoek en draagt in grote mate bij aan de totaal beleving. Het maximum aantal personen per gids is 15. Voor een grote groep is het mogelijk om meerdere gidsen in te schakelen

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